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James H. Breasted 1865-1935

Stamp text: “This passport is intended for use only in the following countries and for objects specified, unless amended: England, France, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor for Archaeological Work...53 years old; long, prominent chin”

Stamp text: “2/9/19. Via France Switzerland and Italy to EGYPT and PALESTINE authority letter from the British Embassy Washington dated 8/8/19 valid until date of [?]. Stamp: 19, Bedford Square, W.C. Military Permit Office.”

Stamp text: “Suez Canal Police, Port Said. Passport Office Departure. By SS City of Benares. Destination Palestine Via India. Date 18/2/1920. Signature [].”
The west corner of the ziggurat of Ur along the northwest side; Messrs. Bull and Shelton, and Prof. Breasted in the foreground, March 17-18 (Courtesy Oriental Institute)

Breasted in Aviator Suit

James Breasted gründete das Orientalische Institut von Chicago

Buch Exlibris der Bibliothek des Direktors ( James H. Breasted )

Mehr Infos über einen grossen Pionier der Archäologie und Orientalistik

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